Tradie-to-Tradie lead sharing made Easy.

Too Busy? Get paid on the jobs you don’t have time for.

Quiet Day? Get live notifications every time a job becomes available in your area.

2-Step verification process designed to reward quality work, build long-lasting relationships and prevent low-rated, unreliable and unprofessional businesses from entering our network. Register for the waitlist to ensure your business can get verified and join the exclusive Tradie-Pool. Limited openings per region.

Express your interest by joining the waitlist and find out exactly how EZ Tradie can help you and your team.

Join Waitlist

To get on the waitlist, you will need to complete the form above. ONLY registered members will gain access to the launch of EZ Tradie. Pre-Launch coming soon.

  • GET PAID on work an EZ Tradie member completes for you.

  • GET PAID by accepting work posted to EZ Tradie.

  • GET PAID referral fees by posting jobs outside of your Trade skillset